Security Guard : Sudish World Solutions

Security Guard

Gunman security provide security to me

Sudish World Solutions provides the best Gunman Security Services in India. Our Gunman is fully trained and is licensed to carry firearms to protect people and the property of contracted clients.

• Our Gunman’s responsibility before an incident or     offense has occurred is prevention.
• Our Gunman’s responsibility after an incident or     offense is to report.

Our Gunman’s primary responsibility is to perform as a countermeasure to deter, detect, delay, deny, and devalue threats to Client’s property, as well as to assist in ensuring the safety of employees and visitors while at client’s facilities. The six basic functions of a Gunman are:

• Access Control
• Screening
• Visitor Processing
• Patrol and Response
• Control Center Operations like fire safety and other    safety processes
• Common Tasks related to security

Our Gunman security Services in India are offered 24x7 to ensure client’s security and safety.

Body Guard Security

Sudish Word Solutions Offers experienced bodyguard services in India. A bodyguard is a type of security guard or government law enforcement officer who protects a person or people — usually high-ranking public officials or officers, wealthy people, and celebrities — from danger: generally theft, assault, kidnapping, assassination, harassment, and loss of confidential information, threats, or other criminal offences.

We can conduct the appropriate Threat Assessment, Vulnerability and Lifestyle Assessments and make the appropriate recommendations to mitigate risks and exposures in order to ensure your safety.
Based on the requirement, we offer appropriate type of bodyguard services to

• Politicians and Diplomats
• VIPs and Celebrities
• Businessmen
• Individuals and Families

• Celebrity Bodyguard / VIP Protection
• Executive Bodyguards
• Diplomatic Bodyguards
• Personal Bodyguard
•Temporary Bodyguard Services for Events.

Corporate Security

We offer Corporate Security Services in India to all Corporates, Banks, Financial institutions, Malls, IT companies and Commercial Establishments. Our Security guards are fully.

With almost 2 decades of experience in Security services, we understand the needs of corporate companies and offer customized corporate security services in India.
      Our security Guards, supervisors & officers are well disciplined to offer full security to our clients. We also offer armed security Guard services to corporates to protect high value assets and Individuals. We offer Bouncer services for corporates for conducting events without any problems. We also offer escort security services to top management of companies to protect them from unexpected attacks.

Corporates can rely on us for effective security services to safeguard their assets and people. We offer excellent and efficient services unmatched in the industry to our valued clients. To us, the security industry is not only a means of business but it is also a means of ensuring complete security and safety to our clients.
       From Sudish World Solutions, Customers can derive maximum Safety, Security and Satisfaction.


services list

* We have fully trained security guards so we can provide 24/7 security services without any complaints. Without proper security arrangements, most of the apartments are vulnerable.
* we are the top security service providers in India, Our clients always trust us because of our top range of organizational and industrial security services at every moment to lead their businesses.
* We are taking all types of Labour and worker contracts, as per your need and requirement, so contact us for the best factory workers.Our factory labour supply services are offered at industry standard prices to the clients. Our Security services in India are provided 24 x 7

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Security Guard : Sudish World Solutions